...where persistent camels roam...

How-to - ModPerl scripts

This document provides a basic "404 Not found" error handler Perl script.

§ Dynamic content

Although we will begin with "" (which is the dynamic pure-Perl equivilant to the usual "index.html"), you can create your scripts with any base filename.

Create the following file, which will generate the traditional "Hello, world" output:

  • /internet/com/example/www/

Then, add the following content to that newly created Perl script file:

use strict;
use warnings;

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Initialization.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
my $r = shift; # --- This is the Apache2::RequestRec object
my $f = new www_Example($r);

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Headers.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
$f->send_header(title => 'Hello, world');

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Page content.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  <font size=+2>Hello, world!</font>
<p align=justify>
  Is this your first dynamic ModPerl script?  If you\'re seeing only this line
  of text and the heading above it, then you succeeded and congratulations are
  in order -- please share your success story with us:&nbsp;
  <a href= target=_blank></a>

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Footers.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

We don't need "use www_Example;" to load the Perl Module you just created (see the previous page) because we used the "PerlRequire" directive in the virtual host configuration file to pre-load it (and pre-compile it) when starting the Apache HTTPd server daemon.

Did you notice that the amount of HTML code included in the "page content" section of this script is minimal?  The $f->send_header and $f->send_footer subroutines generate that for you, and the result is a "404 Not found" page that fits in with the consistency of the rest of the web site, and giving it that important "first-class styled professional appearance."

§ 404 Not found handler

When a page, image, etc., is not found (or when another script generates a 404_NOT_FOUND response), the output of this script is sent instead of the default response provided by Apache HTTPd server.

There is more than one way to implement a 404 handler, but this one is elegant because it doesn't change the URI.  Some examples of what this script can be extended to do include:

  • examine the requested URI that failed
  • examine any arguments (CGI parameters that use the GET and/or POST methods)
  • send redirection HTTP headers (e.g., to correct a mis-spelling)
  • present a user-friendly help page with a dynamically generated site map
  • present a search dialogue possibly containing some pre-set keywords based on the failed request
  • cross-reference a database to determine what this user might be trying to find and present some helpful links
  • notify the webmaster on the server-side via eMail that an error occurred after filtering out certain "agents" (spiders, hacking scripts, etc.)
  • provide the user with a "please tell us what you were searching for" dialogue box

Create the following file, which was referenced in your virtual host configuration file by the "ErrorDocument" directive; this will serve as your site-wide "404 Not found" handler:

  • /internet/com/example/www/

Then, add the following content to that newly created Perl script file:

use strict;
use warnings;

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Initialization.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
my $r = shift; # --- This is the Apache2::RequestRec object
my $f = new www_Example($r);

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Headers.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
$f->send_header(title => '404 Not found');

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Page content.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  <font size=+2>404 Not found</font>
<p align=justify>
  The requested URI was not found on this example server.

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Footers.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Since Apache HTTPd already set the response to 404_NOT_FOUND, we don't need to specify this at the end of the script.  If we were changing the response to OK, or re-directing to a different URI, then we would need to override this, but for a typical "404 Not found" page we want to keep this error response in tact so that web spiders and other automated processes can correctly identify this as an error page.

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